Tossed by gales
Last night, we tried to fall asleep listening to the following instruments in the CrazyStable Winter Symphony:
* Bitter winds howling outside.
* Steam hissing inside.
* Downstairs Evil Radiator clanking and whamming, loudly.
* Loose piece of vinyl window cladding on third floor thwack-thwack-thwacking against frame.
* "Jumper" cable strung across street from lamppost scritch-scritching against shingles of house as it sways amid the turbulent branches of the Ent. No lights flickered, thank God, and we never had to break out the whale blubber lamps.
(Did I mention how much we love winter?)
Coming up next: We get estimates from asbestos abatement guys on exorcising the basement. Nice stuff, asbestos; not only good insulation, but damned quiet on a windy night.
Image: The Endurance
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