I can haz saintburgerz?
Just as I steel myself for a Very Serious Lent, I stumble on something incredibly silly to lift my grouchy Catholic spirits: LOLSaints. A mutant clone of my beloved LOLCats, it has quickly spurred an outpouring of just the kind of warped lunacy that I treasure in my fellow papists at their most orthodox. There are tons of good ones, but this one gets my Terry Gilliam Award. Goodbye, productivity; hello, online art archive search! Thanks to the redoubtable Dawn Eden for this priceless find.
And now for something completely different: Check out my Very Serious Lenten Observance. Regular readers will be shocked, shocked to learn it has a pro-life theme and is Obama-obsessed. If I had seen LOLSaints 48 hours ago, my energies could have been discharged harmlessly, but no, I had to go screwing around with Lennart Nilsson and the Obamicon, and one thing led to another.
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