Week One: Obama 2, Human Rights 0
This is an actual picture (in 3-D ultrasound) of an unborn person, captured in the same look that's been on my face this week. I've been rubbing my eyes in incredulity at the pace of "change." Is my best friend right? Is the new President dazzling and inspiring and lovable because evil hath power to assume a pleasing shape?
Say it ain't so. Who doesn't want to be swept away by the events and images of the past week?
But not everyone has reason to rejoice in our serious, dapper, noble new chief executive. So far, the news is not good for the unborn under his new administration: both those here at home awaiting harvesting for the pharmaceutical industry, and those in poor nations abroad.
And that's in the first week.
Yeah, I know: Mr. Obama ran as the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in memory. But for a guy who could introduce nuance and smarts and compassion into a polarized swamp like racial politics, was it too much to hope for that his mindlessly reflexive refusal to protect the human rights of the unborn might have sprung from expediency and be open to moderation?
So far, that would be a yes. This could get heartbreakingly ugly. Like, we might start wondering why Gitmo detainees have a more compelling hold on his conscience than unborn Americans...or unborn Kenyans or other UN clients. Please don't make us go there. Smart, historic dude, loving father, Harvard genius: Don't set a course for your administration toward moral idiocy.
Not the first week, anyway.
Reader Comments (8)
And, what, exactly, is the substance of his Harvard genius? Besides, that is, his amazing ability to cause so many to either believe, or somehow ASSIGN to him what they want? Someone once said that what made Vanna White so wildly popular was that she was a blank slate--people projected onto her what they wanted to. She was every man's ideal woman. Obama is the Vanna White of politics, not the Second Coming.