Entries from April 1, 2011 - April 30, 2011
Passing over
A visit to Maimonides Hospital during Passover meant waiting for the bus in the heart of Borough Park in its most hallowed state of utter quiet and desertion. Fourteenth and Thirteenth Avenues, usually bustling corridors of all things kosher, were a ghost town.
The few fellows passing by were arrayed in their Hassidic best, including the stupendous furry discs of hats known as shtreimels. They have a fascinating history--they started out as objects of ridicule according to one origin story, and were transformed into signs of royalty. But I admit I am stumped by the significance of this poster for them. Yeah, the Pyramids are reduced to billboards, and I get the lamb. But why is it tied to a bed (and wearing a shtreimel)?
Competitors' posters were also cool. This guy reminds me of actor Jack Gilford--a face you could trust to deliver the goods.
And here's the Shtreimel-o-meter of price and quality. Translations of these posters would be most welcome!
The quiet streets made me wish for an entree to the solemnities and festivities going on inside homes and synagogues all over the area. Tomorrow is Holy Thursday, however, so I just have to wait one more day for our big Passover supper.